Monday, 9 May 2011

Battlefield 3 Features and Facts

Hello readers and welcome to my fan site for Battlefield 3 on the PC, Xbox360 and PS3.

This is my first post and I aim to write about the upcoming Battlefield game: Battlefield 3. Follow my blog for detailed updates on anything and everything Battlefield 3 (worldwide). I aim to list the factual features in order for my readers to have a clear, unbiased view of the game - once being an avid Call of Duty franchise player.

Courtesy of DICE and EA Games

Basic Information
-A 'true successor' to Battlefield 2
-Released in fall 2011 (November most likely)
-Supposedly same month, week, day as Activisions new title (assumed to be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)
-Running with a brand new game engine, FrostByte 2 (the successor to Battlefield Bad Company's Frostbyte engine)
-Features a singleplayer campaign of some sort, probably including the 'Fault Line' series that was released on youtube
-Features multiplayer, Battlefield 2 style, with updated graphics, EA's 'Ant' animations from games such as FIFA 2011, realistic destruction up to 7 story buildings, prone useable, more info later
-Already in popularity much bigger than CoDMW3 mainly because there has been limited information released on Activision's new game

Adding more soon, stay tuned!


  1. Good luck with your brand new blog!!!!

  2. Hey, good looking blog! I always preferred BF3 to any Cod Games.

  3. Good luck man. I prefer Halo to BF3 but its a great game, nonetheless.

  4. Good luck on the blog and thanks for the BF3 info, totally getting this game - looks awesome!!

  5. always nice to see a newbie, and about a game, this is something I can follow.

  6. I love battlefield 2.. spent so much time flying the airplanes :)

  7. I love battlefield! it's better then blackops :)

  8. CoD is a great game, its numbers show that, but I feel its nearing a close just like Activision's Guitar Hero which was also great. Ill add another blog about this soon! Stay tuned!

  9. I think I will go get this game right after release.

  10. good luck with your blog looking forward to battlefield 3

  11. bf3? didnt know its gonna be released...hope i can get more infos here!

  12. Looking forward to that game! +follow

  13. Nice beginning! Really looking forward to your next post. This game is going to be amazing!

  14. wow nice post dude, and goodluck to your blog

  15. Great first post man! keep it up :)

  16. cant wait! i just got hooked on bc2.. yeah i know im a bit late.....

  17. Being a CoD player, I always looked at BF:BC2 with scepticism. After watching some youtube vids and trying it out wow, extremely rich gameplay. More tactical, less campers =)

  18. Cannot wait for this game. Loved Bad Company 2 as well but this looks much better already.

  19. Love Battlefield

  20. Battlefield 2 was a good game, even though some parts just pissed me off.

  21. Battlefield 2 has been modded with Project Reality 2, which fixed alot of bugs and ridiculous bullet drop and improved the game tenfold.
    Bad Company 2 did a pretty good job in this aspect, but BF3 is a whole new ball-game.

  22. bf3 will be the goty for sure.
    cant wait till came out...

    good post tho

  23. It's great to see BF3 info coming up on new blogs!
    Can't wait to read more! :D
    Excellent stuff!

  24. lots of hype for sure. im not convinced that it will be as good as it predecessors. although there were definitely room for improvement in the old installments, i'm used to being disappointed by over-hyped games.

  25. Battlefield 2 was the top FPS in its prime. It was an absolute masterpiece, for 2005. Yet no-one has since made a better version of the game? Bad Company 2 of course, but even DICE said BC2 was more like Call of Duty's childish suger rush than BF3 will be.

    Also to go up against such a dominate FPS game CoD, DICE must be doing a damn good job. It will be an advertising war between Activision and EA I would say.

  26. This looks like a really fun game.

  27. awesome blog following and supporting!

  28. Interesting! Keep'em coming, interesting info about the game, as long as that's valid :)

  29. Its all facts no rumors. Ill have more details soon about where I get facts etc.etc. =)

  30. Cant wait till its release! have been waiting for it since battlefield 2 :p

  31. Can't wait to test it, seems really good

  32. Good luck with your blog! I really hope this game kicks CoD out of the competition...

  33. ima play this one till modern warfare 3 comes out

  34. Can't wait for this game. Should be awesome!

  35. I love the Battlefield series! 3 is going to be absolutely awesome. Can't wait!

  36. Awesome post man! keep up the good work!

  37. Don't you think , It might be to narrow to discuss only BF3?

  38. Can't wait for this to finally release.

  39. Darick I will be discussion CoD MW3, if there was even one small piece of information about it.. We only know activision is spending alot of money to make a game, CoDMW3 is ASSUMED for now it seems =)

  40. 'realistic destruction up to 7 story buildings'

  41. really looking forward to bf3 can't wait to play it!


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